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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Maybe she's born with it, Maybe its Maybelline Photoshop

We've all seen ads featuring impossibly beautiful women selling products which they claim help them achieve their 'look'. Some are less well executed than others. Take Twiggy's new Olay Definity anti-aging posters. Although the former model claims her "brighter looking eyes" are due to Olay, she sports wrinkle and blemish free skin- a glorious side effect of using Olay Definity? Given that she's a year shy of 60.... probably not. A far more believable miracle worker could be Photoshop.

twiggy & olay marketing ad becomes photoshop scandal @alphabetaglamour
via Jezebel

The uproar over digitally altered ads has even been expressed by the Queen! Er, more like Britain's Parliment (close enough though, right?) The UK is considering banning ads from being digitally photoshopped if the ads target children under age 16. For ads geared at adults, lawmakers advocate a full disclosure policy detailing any and all retouching.

What do you think? Would you want to know all the touch-ups that go into making celebs look great? Or would that just be TMI?


Anuja said...

I think I'd want to know the celebrity secrets to beauty because you'll be able to tell whether or not they are simple or complex and can see which ones work for you! LOVE YOUR BLOG!

Helen said...

yaaay! welcome to the blogging world, my dear! yea, photoshop can sometimes go TOO far -- Twiggy is gorgeous, but not THAT impossibly gorgeous. :P

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